Marika Bergvik

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Introducing Marika

Marika is a Shamanic Oracle, Solar Dragon Priestess, Intuitive artist,  Cacao guardian and ceremonial space facilitator based in Vasa, Finland

She offers multidimensional energy healing and ascension guidance to support her clients on their awakening path.

She provides a safe and nurturing space for her clients to explore the depths of their souls and reconnect with their inner wisdom, intuition and the profound strenght that resides within


More about Marika

"Marika has incredible multidimensional vision and is able to see clearly and provide support in ways that allow you to heal and grow in a safe way"


E. S

Answer the call, ignite your purpose, and tap into your greatness



1 : 1 healing session



Multidimensional Private Menstorship

This is for the awakening woman who is ready to ditch the old energies and beliefs that is holding her back, so that she can embody her dreamlife, lead from the heart and thrive.


More info


Somaya Ceremonial Cacao

100% handmade organic cacao from Guatemala.

Ullulawl and Springs

 Hand peeled by Mayan women collectives at Lake Atitlan

vegan | organic | gluten free | 12x fair trade


1.1 Multidimensional shamanic healing

Experience Transformative Shamanic Healing
Discover a new level of well-being and remove life's energetic obstacles with my unique shamanic healing sessions. Here's what we can achieve together:
Energy Cleansing
Feeling stuck or weighed down? My healing techniques clear out negative energies and influences, allowing your true self to emerge. We address and remove harmful elements like implants, curses, trauma, and more.
Healing Ancestral Wounds
Break free from the patterns and burdens inherited from your ancestors.
Through dedicated healing work, we release these ties, offering you a fresh start and spiritual liberation.
Spiritual Enhancements
Receive powerful spiritual upgrades and insights that can transform your life. These divine downloads open up new pathways, enhance your abilities, and deepen your connection to the universe. 
Restoring Wholeness
If past traumas have left you feeling fragmented, we’ll journey to
retrieve and reintegrate lost parts of your soul. This process restores your sense of completeness and strengthens your inner power.
Healing Your Inner Child
Reconnect with your inner child to heal old wounds and rediscover your natural joy and innocence. This healing brings a renewed sense of vitality and happiness.
Through the process you are held in a safe space a loving and nurturing energy with the encouragement for you to do the deep inner work that leads to healing, empowerment and liberation.







Somaya cacao


This ancestral cacao is a product of "Tuqtuquilal" in Alta Verpaz of Guatemala, a regenerative centre that uses reforestation to empower cacao. This cacao grows amongst vanilla, cardamom, ginger, turmeric and provides Earthy & Fiery qualities.

Taste profile: smooth, earthy energy with hint of caramel and vanilla

Energetics: Earth & Fire, offering a warm and grounded feeling. This cacao works beautifully with meditative work, inner healing and yoga.



Grown in the village "Las Victorias", abundant in its qualities of Air and Water due to its natural springs, environment of fruit trees and coffee plants.

Taste profile: light bitterness with coffee and banana accents, rich & buttery.

Energetics: Air & Water, making it the perfect choice for your "deep dive" moments, as well as for creative and playful expression, movement and dance.